Bone headache is actually prostate cancer metastasis? Pay attention to signs of high malignant prostate tumors

Because prostate cancer progresses slowly, it may be diagnosed after unusual pain. Figure/Photo of this newspaper

The aging population is increasing day by day, and the incidence of advanced diseases is also increasing year by year. Prostate cancer , which is prevalent in middle-aged and elderly men , has been considered to be a relatively “moderate” tumor due to the slow progress of the disease. In addition, the average age of the cancer is more than 70 years old. In the perception of many people, the prostate Cancer is even less threatening than other aging diseases, but are all prostate cancers really “non-dangerous” tumors?

Which prostate cancers need to be alert?

Jiang Bohui, director of the Department of Urology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital, pointed out that the incidence of prostate cancer in Chinese people is about 70 to 79 years old, and it is indeed slow to develop compared with other cancers. However, there are also “big bad guys” and “little bad guys”. Jiang Bohui explained that if prostate cancer has a “Gleason score” of 8 or more, and there are visceral and bone metastases , it may belong to For high-risk tumors, the progression of the disease cannot be ignored.

How to treat high-risk prostate tumors?

Jiang Bohui explained that in the past, prostate cancer metastasis would be treated with hormones, but high-risk prostate tumors will develop hormone resistance within about a year or two after hormone treatment, and the difficulty of treatment is relatively difficult. There are now new clinical trials that have found that early use of drugs can prolong the duration of prostate tumor metastasis to hormone resistance. Therefore, early treatment is still an important factor affecting survival.

Bone pain may be prostate cancer metastasis?

Because prostate cancer progresses slowly, it may be diagnosed after unusual pain. Jiang Bohui explained that prostate cancer is divided into early and late stages. Most of the late stage is manifested by bone pain. Patients may seek orthopedic treatment, and some tumors are accidentally discovered after surgery. If there are multiple bone metastases in prostate cancer, the patient may feel pain throughout the body. The most common bone metastases are in the central axis of the torso such as the hip bone, spine, ribs, and a few occur in the skull.

Should older men have difficulty urinating and have bone pain?

Jiang Bohui pointed out that it is difficult to distinguish the symptoms in the early stage of the prostate. It must be checked by blood drawing PSA , or anus finger examination and biopsy. The anal digital examination is not difficult, and the sensitivity of PSA is quite high. The doctor recommends that if you are over 50 years old and have urinary symptoms, you can consult a urologist if you need to perform these two examinations. Jiang Bohui emphasized that with the development of medicine, there are already drugs that can delay the transformation of high-risk prostate tumors into hormone-resistant drugs. The public should refrain from medical treatment, and any urinary system diseases should be treated as soon as possible.

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